
Teaching Programmes for Early Years (Ages 3-5)

Our fully‑resourced session‑a‑week programmes all include early years as the foundation for whole‑school inclusion and continuity. Designed for all pre‑school settings, they support your delivery of the National EYFS Framework, particularly for Personal, Social, Emotional Development (PSED) and Understanding the World (UW).

Creative child‑led and teacher‑initiated activities with careful progression nurture children, conserve planning time and lay the foundations for mindfulness and self‑regulation.

Personal, Social, Emotional Development

EYFS practitioners know that great PSED underpins children’s development and learning. Jigsaw nurtures children to be confident and happy, increasing their capacity to self-regulate, explore and learn.

Jigsaw 3-5 provides opportunities for children to develop their emotional literacy and social skills and the National EYFS Framework Early Learning Goals, particularly in PSED and Understanding the World.

Fully resourced weekly session plans for F1 and F2
Jigsaw Jenie and Jerrie Cat to aid learning and mindfulness
Mapped to the EYFS Framework and regularly updated
Jigsaw Child With Their Teacher


EYFS settings use Jigsaw

Comprehensive wrap-around support

How do you teach RE to very young children?

Jigsaw RE provides EYFS practitioners with age-appropriate RE sessions, laying the foundations for more explicit learning about religions and worldviews later.

We believe EYFS RE is about:

developing respect and empathy for self and others
starting to understand some of the concepts, knowledge and human experiences that are central to religions and worldviews
developing each child’s own spiritual awareness
EYFS Teacher With Children At Desk

Weekly session plans

Careful progression

Jigsaw Outdoors - Learning ABOUT nature IN nature and enhancing PSED

Knowing that connecting with nature and being outside promotes wellbeing, Jigsaw Outdoors offers you 6 lessons for each year group,  specifically to be taught outdoors.

Jigsaw Outdoors is a stand-alone programme, but is also designed to enhance Jigsaw PSED, adding one fully-resourced lesson each half-term through the year.

12 beautifully-resourced lessons, six for F1 and six for F2
Mindful Movement (Calm Me) sessions
Original songs and body percussion
Outdoors Two Children Hand Up

Connect with Nature

Love the Outdoors

Introducing the Jigsaw Families Programme

"There is no such thing as a perfect parent… we all do the best we can."

The Jigsaw Families Programme, led by trained facilitators, empowers parents to be the best they can be, to manage behaviour in a mindful and positive way, and to fully engage with their children and the learning and school experience.

Family Pairs (one parent and one child) attend the 6 sessions
Delivered through original stories (one set specifically designed for EYFS children)
Children are given their own Jonty Junior to help take the learning home
Families Collage 2

Supporting Families

Wrap-around Support

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Jigsaw Education Group
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Grove House
Guildford Road
Surrey KT22 9DF
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